Dullal Miah, Artist

My First Ever Large Open “Public” Art Fair …

My First  ever large “Public” Art Fair was Live between the 2nd of July till the 3rd at the Kensington Town Hall in Kensington

I am showcased a selection of influential individuals I have drawn that shared a history of their trials to get to where they are today.

The portraits featured across a designed space where it will be in the view of the public and other artists, I chose to display one on a chair to allow more viewers to come enjoy my pieces.

I would like to thank the team who organised the fair as it turned out very well with over 2000-3000 people coming to view to view on both days overall, it was really run and it was smooth throughout both days. It was a great experience to know that what I’ve been creating for the last years was being viewed at my largest event to date

The portraits I displayed here in this exhibition are of famous public figures – all who has been of major influence and inspiration to me in some shape and form and who caught my eye in their stories.

I was very blessed to be able to show more of my art in this fabulous fair as it was my first time exhibiting in such a large venue with viewers and collectors and I got to meet many young and aspiring artist who followed my work and journey so far and got to inspire and share of my knowledge to them and wish them every success in their future endeavours